What should I do if I am old and easily constipated?

Drinking hydrogen-rich water may be an efficient solution!

With age, many diseases will also accompany. If there are elderly people at home, such a problem is often found, and it is also a problem that plagues many elderly people, that is, they often have constipation. Although it is not a serious illness, it can also bring some troubles to daily life, and even the hidden dangers of major diseases.

The elderly are a high-risk group of constipation

With the increase of age, the body function and digestive function of the elderly gradually weaken, and they are prone to various chronic diseases. 

For example, old age and physical weakness, insufficient food intake or reduced exercise, and long-term bed rest can cause weakened gastrointestinal motility, slow passage of intestinal contents, and excessive absorption of water in feces, which can easily lead to dry stools. Intestinal flora imbalance can cause constipation in the elderly.

hydrogen water is really good?


Due to the reduced activity of the elderly, there is a lack of fiber in the diet, and most of them are accompanied by systemic diseases such as diabetes, uremia, cerebrovascular accidents, and Parkinson's disease.

In addition, frequent use of a variety of drugs, such as antidepressants, calcium antagonists, diuretics, anticholinergic drugs, and analgesics, are all factors that promote constipation.

The incidence of constipation in the elderly is high, and the elderly often suffer from many other diseases and cannot use drugs casually, which makes many elderly patients with constipation a headache. Some people think that constipation is not a disease, as long as it is not serious, there is no need to worry too much. In fact, constipation is not only a definite disease, it can sometimes cause serious consequences.

Drink hydrogen water to improve constipation

Drinking hydrogen water is a safe and effective way to treat constipation. It is not only safe, but also has no other adverse effects. It has strong penetrating power and can be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract faster, cleans the stomach, accelerates gastrointestinal peristalsis, and can effectively improve Constipation.

Hydrogen water can improve the living environment of the intestinal flora in patients with constipation. Hydrogen molecules have the unique function of selectively neutralizing hydroxyl free radicals and nitrite anions. Malignant free radicals are almost all diseases (including sub-health and Aging) is one of the important factors in the onset of disease.

Hydrogen water can inhibit the damage of malignant free radicals to normal gastrointestinal function of the human body, and safely eliminate the body in the form of water after neutralization. Relying on the active hydrogen in the water, it can improve the digestion and absorption of food, while protecting the intestinal mucosa and repairing the intestine. Damaged cells and internal organs around the tract prevent toxins from damaging the intestinal wall. In this way, the "intestinal flower garden" can recover relatively quickly.

Hydrogen is also beneficial to many other chronic diseases such as diabetic arteriosclerosis. This method does not produce tolerance, and the effect can be sustained. Many medicines for constipation are effective but not long-term.

Hydrogen water is very effective in improving constipation in the elderly, reaching about 80-90%. The effect of hydrogen water on constipation does not directly affect the large intestine, but through systemic effects.

For the elderly to treat constipation, the drugs that cause constipation should be stopped as much as possible, and lifestyle and eating habits should be adjusted. Drink 1-2 cups of hydrogen water on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning (drink with guts and swallow faster) drinking 2 cups of hydrogen water after lunch and dinner, which can help food digestion. The hydrogen in the hydrogen water can reach the colon as soon as possible and stimulate Intestinal peristalsis, promote bowel movement, and fundamentally improve constipation.


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