11 answers you learn about hydrogen water.

Some answers to popular questions about hydrogen water

1. What is hydrogen water?

It refers to water in which hydrogen molecules are dissolved. Hydrogen in hydrogen water is generally prepared by artificial dissolution.

2. Can hydrogen explode?

Hydrogen is a combustible gas and can also explode. But hydrogen explosion requires conditions. Hydrogen is a fuel gas and requires a combustible such as oxygen to burn. The combustible concentration of hydrogen in the air is between 4.6% and 74%, and the explosive concentration is 19% to 49%. Hydrogen water contains very little hydrogen and will not explode.

3. Is there hydrogen in the water?

Although water molecules are composed of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms, generally water does not contain hydrogen. Hydrogen is not a hydrogen atom, and water generally does not contain hydrogen. The basis of the role of hydrogen water is hydrogen. Hydrogen water is only a carrier of hydrogen, not water.

Click below image to know how to make hydrogen water with a bottle.

Make hydrogen water at home with nearly no cost

4. Is hydrogen water acidic?

Hydrogen water contains hydrogen. Hydrogen does not affect the pH of the water. Normally, when the pH of the water is measured with an electrode pH meter, hydrogen will interfere with the electrode and easily cause alkaline errors.

5. Will hydrogen peroxide be produced when hydrogen is added to water?

Hydrogen is only physically mixed in water, and does not chemically react with water. Hydrogen in hydrogen water is in a molecular state, and water is also in a molecular state. There is no interaction between the two substances. Hydrogen water and hydrogen peroxide are completely different.

6. The solubility of hydrogen in water is very small, how does it work?

The solubility of hydrogen in water is indeed very small, because hydrogen has no polarity and cannot form a miscible state with water. Under standard conditions, the solubility of hydrogen in water is only 1.6 mg/L. But in the field of biology, this is a relatively high concentration. 1.6 mg of hydrogen, if calculated according to the number of molecules, is equivalent to 100 mg of vitamin C. A lot of scientific research evidence shows that this dose of hydrogen is effective.

7. Will hydrogen volatilize immediately after opening the hydrogen water package?

If it is in a gaseous state, hydrogen gas will diffuse rapidly after opening the package. However, it takes a relatively long time for the hydrogen dissolved in the water to diffuse out of the water surface, and this time generally takes tens of minutes or even several hours to be completely released. The release rate is determined by factors such as the surface area, depth, temperature and agitation of the water.

8. How much hydrogen water can you drink to produce an effect?

There is no standard answer at present, and this needs to be determined by continued research. However, in human trials, the intake of hydrogen is generally 1-3 mg per day. The effect of hydrogen water needs to be maintained to be effective. In theory, it must be used for a long time to obtain the best effect.

9. The more hydrogen, the better the effect?

It may be so, but people are very different from people, and there is no uniform standard. Because hydrogen is very safe, in order to obtain the desired effect, you can start with a small dose and gradually increase the dose. Due to the strong diffusibility of hydrogen, it is not easy for hydrogen to stay in the body continuously, which also requires us to obtain the best effect, and we must constantly replenish hydrogen. Therefore, repeated use is a basic requirement of hydrogen therapy. However, the hydrogen dosage is an issue that needs further research.

10. Is hydrogen water or hydrogen safe for humans?

Hydrogen and hydrogen water are very safe. This safety comes from a large number of studies and evidence from many users. Diving medical research has given people very high doses and has not found obvious adverse effects of hydrogen. However, safety is a relative concept, and hydrogen may also cause adverse reactions to a few people. At the end of the 19th century, hydrogen was used to locate gunshot wounds in the intestines. According to reports, no toxicity or irritation of hydrogen to wounds has been found. Bacteria in the human intestines continuously produce hydrogen, and there is no adverse reaction of this kind of hydrogen to humans.

11. When did the medical effects of hydrogen begin to be discovered?

It is said that the first medical application of hydrogen molecules was in 1798, when they were used to fight inflammation. But it became a popular academic topic only after 2007.

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